

Take-off day

July 13, 2017

Today was D-day: we were finally flying to Hong-Kong! At 8am, we had a last workshop at EPFL, to practice our pitching skills, and learn more about the schedule of [...]

Test on the lake

June 27, 2017

For several weeks, the waterproofing of our device was a big problem. The last test in the Hydraulic Machines Lab (HML) was not successful at all and we made our PCB [...]

Some improvements – Still much work to do

May 20, 2017

At the end of this week, we finally managed to implement the most important functionalities of our microcontroller, which was a huge relief! Now we are able to automatically log [...]

Third milestone is coming

May 17, 2017

This week we have finally (and fortunately) met M. Farhat, a fluid mechanics teacher at EPFL. It turned out that EPFL has many high-end facilities allowing to simulate high pressurized [...]

Week 8

April 14, 2017

The past two weeks were essentially dedicated to the electronic part of the device. The first version of the PCB has been designed and its production was launched. We hope we [...]

Week 4

March 21, 2017

This is the 4th week. Following the turnaround we got last week, we thought of different concepts and configurations for our device: should it be molded? should it be encased [...]

Week 3 – Slight turnaround

March 13, 2017

At the beginning of last week, an important meeting with an hydrogeologist of the ICRC led us to change dramatically our former specifications. What the ICRC really wants is a [...]

Week 1

February 27, 2017

This week, we mainly brainstormed the different solutions we could implement for the different parts of our device. It is actually composed of three main parts: the communication module, the [...]

Ideation Week-End

December 1, 2016

On October 29th and 30th the kick-off day of CHIC, also known as the Ideation week-end was held. Groups were formed around different themes. Because we feared that designing a [...]