So here we are, one week passed since kick-off. Time really flies pretty quick and you only realize it when you reach the deadlines.
Anyway, we used that time pretty efficiently. Since we now have a clearer view on the product we want to create we were able to go forward on different points :
In the business perspective we made a first draft of the business model canvas. It was pretty hard since a lot of points aren’t clearly defined yet (the materials, the technology etc.) but we have something that we can rely on. We also created a few personas based on our previous researches and that we’ll refine with an online questionnaire we’ll post on social media and send by e-mail (to avoid bias). You reading this post, you will get to fill this questionnaire in the next few days so stay tuned !
In the technological/scientific perspective, our engineers have discussed a lot about the different mechanisms inside our product. They already have spotted the biggest challenges they’ll have to face in the coming weeks, for example, what kind of motor will we use and how can we make it as cheap as possible without loosing quality? We know that this composter will be consuming too much energy to work on battery so we can aim for more gluttonous mechanisms (in term of electricity consumption).
In the design perspective our designers already worked on a mock-up we presented you last week, and are still sketching their ideas. The interaction designer will be also working on the personas as soon as the questionnaire’s ready
So you know it all, please stay tuned and keep following our blog in the next months ! We hope to show you more pretty soon 😉
Cheers !