Hello CHIC community!
On Friday, we had the opportunity to present our work for the first milestone in front of the CHIC staffs and some professors. That represented the accomplishment of the first step of this adventure. Let’s take a step back on what happens in the previous weeks.
The last few weeks, we worked hard, actively searching for problems that people, companies or organizations are facing, and therefore imagine solutions to overpass those problems. Outcomes from the interviews were very diverse, and we could learn a lot about water related problems.
Water waste in agriculture, water waste in household, hydration for people who forgot to drink, purification of water, developing countries having lack of this precious resources. We struggled to choose which direction we wanted to take.
A week before the deadline, we decided to reduce our panel of sectors to the three that we were the most interested in, and those were: gardening, water waste in household, and hydration in sport. We started working on the three topics but quickly realized that it would be impossible to do all of them correctly.
Thus, we decided that we had to pick only one. That was not an easy moment, and we knew that there would be disappointments no matter what subject we choose. However, we knew that it was not necessarily a final choice and that we can still deviate to other better ideas.
The field we choose to work on for the report and the presentation is water waste in household. We came with two potential solutions to solve this problem: A smart faucet and a smart showerhead.
We did not work in the best conditions, as that was probably the worst part of the semester for some faculties with tons of other projects, exams and so on. Nevertheless, we manage to find some time, write a great report and prepare a nice presentation.
Next week, we are planning to have team raclette in order to start this snowy winter correctly and establish a plan for the following weeks, see you!