It’s been a while!
We are still processing the milestone, trying to come up with a new idea, and what better way to do this than to share a meal? This week has been – finally – a less hectic one, and we wanted to allocate some time to enjoy a less stressful atmosphere, and be able to spend time together in a wonderful mood. It’s nice to have moments where we can focus on team building, and relaxing around the table for a debrief.
Between the slices of cheese, some ideas were thrown, but still no concrete decision made. We agreed on continuing to focus on information gathering, and everyone will pick an association to interview and get in touch with.
The winter is growing colder and stronger, but we will not waver in our quest for the ideal project; as long as we have each other to count on – and quality raclette to fuel us -, we know that our journey will lead us to victory!
We wish you a beautiful day/week, and stay tuned for more 🙂