Do Not Disturb While Focusing

By Nathan Vogel May 12, 2018 Discover Flowlin project
Apple Keynote - Do not disturb while focusing

Dear CHIC community!

In order to move forward more quickly, we’ve decided to start focusing less on getting feedback from users of our early prototypes, but to start more concretely building our product. We’ve been able to try many of the aspects of our products with external people (a big thanks to all of them!) and while there’s still a lot to learn from user tests, we now feel like we have a good idea of what the product should be. This is why we’re now going to spend more time on actually shaping and building the final product.

Among our latest advancement, Kevin managed to implement his idea of making iPhones believe they’re connected to a Bluetooth car to automatically turn on the Do Not Disturb mode, a setting available since iOS 11. The drawback is that to do that, we need to use another older non-BLE Bluetooth chip, which would consume a lot of energy and add another component to our PCB.

For the milestone last week, we had settled on a name for our product: Timeo, but we’re now revisiting this choice, mostly because of its latin meaning. Indeed, the word “timeo” means “I fear” in the original language of Rome. That’s a bummer and we wish there was only the ancient Greek signification: “Honoring the Gods”.

Stay tuned,
Your Chircle Team