let’s goo x.factory

By Amara Marjane July 12, 2018 Edition CHIC 2017-2018Discover ToyGether project

For our first day in Shenzhen which is one of the biggest production centers in the world and the richest city in China with the CHIC team we are going to the x.factory. We started with a visit of the place, so thank you to Violet and her team. At 10AM we started to define our goals and the deadline of the stay in order to create a functional prototype by July 20 – the day before our departure for Hongkong.

Besides, we were pleasantly surprised at how much more productive we are when we are all together for switching as well as splitting! At the same time, all designers received instructions to take one picture (or more) per day about an object or thing that marked us during the day. I really like this exercise and I want to present my first two pictures. Both were taken at HK airport – a set of aluminum chairs and three cameras in the same place but in different directions.


About Shenzhen the city is very impressive: buildings are very high and the population is very dense. I noticed that the buildings are being built every day 24/24 and that sometimes we could see buildings under construction with only 1/4 of the building that was already glazed as if they wanted to give the impression that the building was soon finished.

For our second day I took the morning to go to Luohu Commercial City to buy some fabrics to make our final plush. The place was amazing and huge: 6 floors in which there was everything and nothing, like jewels, fabrics, trinkets or food … It was really cool to visit this place I felt really part of the country – except when Chinese women came to ask me every 5 minutes “manicures peidcures?”