Pitching workshop and brainstorming session

By Camille Glatz November 18, 2018 Discover CARING project

Hi everyone!

On Monday, we had a pitching workshop with Benedict Stalder (CTI coach) in our usual BC building at EPFL. This evening was really helpful to prepare ourselves for the MS1.

First, we came up with the structure of our pitch: 1. Start with Empathy, 2. Give some facts for credibility, 3. Communicate our progress.

Then, we received some tips to improve it (What is the real goal behind? Who is the audience? What are their takeaways? How to differentiate ourselves from the other teams? …). Finally, we worked on the main objective of the pitch and after 30 minutes of brainstorming and 1 full A4 page of notes, we eventually could describe our goal in one sentence.

On Thursday evening, we had our weekly meeting where we shared our interviews’ findings. We used some post-it in order to get an overview of all information we had collected and do an interactive brainstorming session. Our two mentors were assisting the meeting and gave us good feedback. We also celebrated Maxim’s birthday with a glittery cake made by Urbain, beautiful look and yummy!

To conclude, T-PSY has done lots of things this week but this is just the beginning, more to come… Keep posted!

Unstress your data,