Secure, trusted and simple communication for a better healthcare



It enables the patients to precise their requests in order to help the medical staff to anticipate their needs and to split the tasks between nurses and medical assistants. Furthermore, the hospital management can analyze the data of the calls to optimize the efficiency of the work.

Benefits of CARING

Innovative connected nurse call system


Gain of time

Knowing the reason of the call will help to better anticipate the needs and split the tasks between nurses and medical assistants.


The data analysis can provide the management useful insight to improve work conditions, shifts, patient's records and logistics

Flexibility, personalisation

The screen buttons can be customized according the service through the application. A list of different pictograms are available..

Reinsure the patient

Visual feedback confirms the request has been well sent and then, notify the patient when someone is coming

Better organisation

The application for the medical staff is accessible from everywhere at anytime time. It gives an overview of all the alarm calls in order to have better task split between nurses and medical assistants. Plus, it allows a certain number of users to have the silent mode to avoid any distribution.

Application render

Team members

Profile picture of Camille Glatz
  • Camille Glatz

  • Business
  • UNIL
French boi
Profile picture of Urbain Lesbros
  • Urbain Lesbros

  • Electronic Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering
  • EPFL
Profile picture of Pablo Bellon
  • Pablo Bellon

  • User Experience
  • ECAL
Master student in Life Sciences Engineering, I have the competences to make a link between biology and Engineering
Profile picture of Morgane Zbinden
  • Morgane Zbinden

  • Software Engineering
  • EPFL
Profile picture of Emilie Stoll
  • Emilie Stoll

  • Industrial Design
  • ECAL
Italian and Russian, born in Bern, Switzerland. After a Bachelor in Microengineering at EPFL, I am currently doing my Master in Robotics at EPFL.
Profile picture of Maxim Bianchini
  • Maxim Bianchini

  • Electronic Engineering
    Firmware Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering
  • EPFL

Contact us

Our blog

CARING will be at Forum

October 2, 2019

Dear all, On Tuesday 8th October, CARING will be at Forum EPFL in the Student Corner, a dedicated place for entrepreunarial students. The aim of this event is to give… [...]

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End of Hong Kong

July 25, 2019

Hi everyone ! Today is our final day. The day to say farewell to most of people we met during this adventure. CHIC is an incredible adventure and none of… [...]

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Visits and Pitch Preparation

July 23, 2019

Hi everyone, After yesterday's amazing workshop at HKDI, today, we went to visit LSCM, a research center in Hong Kong that is focusing on IoT, robotics, AI, and other. The… [...]

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Workshop at HKDI

July 22, 2019

Hi everyone! Today we had a special day at HK Design Institute where all teams were split in different new teams. Each team was composed of 1 engineer, 1 business,… [...]

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End of Shenzhen

July 20, 2019

Hi everyone, Yesterday we finally succeeded to make our prototype, and precisely our screen buttons, work ! It was a big challenge for us, as we received our 3D prints… [...]

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V0.2 on the way

July 16, 2019

Hello friends! With the help of Céleste, our Chinese correspondent student here in Shenzhen, Camille managed to get great insights from her interview in Shenzhen Six People Hospital. It would… [...]

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Great opportunities everywhere!

July 14, 2019

Hey there ! Here are some news after a well deserved chilly Sunday! We had two occasions to pitch on Friday, thefirst one at HAX with Maxim, and the second… [...]

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Shenzhen is great and the project keeps going!

July 13, 2019

Hi there, After nearly one week in Shenzhen, China, our project is evolving in a great way. We have sourced a lot of new components about which we did not… [...]

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We got almost everything !

June 2, 2019

Hello dear community! Strong from the critics provided during the last milestone (the last gentle one), we enter a new phase in our project. Our designers are working like never… [...]

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Always improving

May 28, 2019

Hi everyone, More ergonomic and equipped with a new hanging system, the latest version of Caring seems to be gradually moving closer to the final version. To achieve this, we… [...]

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Advancing, always advancing

May 19, 2019

Hello! CARING is advancing on all fronts, be it design, engineering or business. We are happy that the project is slowly materializing and we are already getting excited for the… [...]

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Interview at La Source !

May 12, 2019

Hey there! This week was sort of fruitful for T-Psy: We conducted an interview in La Source in Lausanne, where many shades were unveiled thanks to Mrs Montantdon, Chief Nursing… [...]

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May 5, 2019

Hi everyone, this week has been pretty quiet for our team as we have worked separtely to prepare for our next interview of Thursday. We have planned a visit at… [...]

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It’s time to think to our future

April 28, 2019

Hi everyone ! This sunday morning, our team meets to update our team contract. We were thinking to the future of our project after the trip to China, to our… [...]

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It’s shaping up!

April 21, 2019

Hi everyone, It all start coming together and this is very motivating! Since our last blogpost, we have done some work. Maxim, Urbain and Emilie have started a real collaboration… [...]

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E-Ink Buttons

April 7, 2019

Hello everyone! This week, we have spoken with our supervisor about our prototyping. We discuss about our buttons ! We want to create interactive buttons with sceen on it. The… [...]

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Planification of the next steps

March 29, 2019

Hi Everyone, This week we got more into group organisation. We planned our futur meetings until MS4 and we talk again about the idea that we would like to have… [...]

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March 24, 2019

Hi everyone,  This week was dedicated to feedback for TΨ. And what could be more motivating when they allow us to move forward !  Last weekend, our interview with Dominique… [...]

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MS3 is approaching!

March 18, 2019

Hi everyone! MS3 is slowly but steadily approaching and TΨ is getting ready! Last week, prototyping advanced considerably and also a lot of new meetings were fixed. We are going… [...]

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Diving into the real world !

March 10, 2019

Hello dear friends! This week was fruitful in many aspects : Pablo proposed us a great template for the menu displayed, while Emilie presented us the aesthetic and practical possibilities… [...]

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Each member has a part to play!

March 3, 2019

Hi everyone, Time is flying but TΨ has done some work this last week ! Morgane has been worked on some data analysis with RStudio to simulate what kind of… [...]

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Now that the idea is there, let’s work on it!

February 24, 2019

Hello to everyone! We know that we launch ourselves into the creation of a smart bell to address specific hospital needs. Now, it is time for us to define exactly… [...]

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Milestone 2 for T-PSY

February 17, 2019

Hi! After our MS2 presentation, we learned a lot during this lift-off week-end. It began with the feedback you CHIC people provided us. Some of them proved to be useful… [...]

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Moving on the prototype

February 10, 2019

Hi everyone, After a few twists and turnarounds recently, we realized how complexe the medical field is. It all depends on the type of hospital, the department in which you… [...]

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A week dedicated to interviews

February 4, 2019

Hi everyone! This week, we have made a lot of interviews. On wednesday, we have spoken with Pierre Weissenbach, the former head of care at La Source Hospital. He worked… [...]

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Reversal of situation

January 27, 2019

Hello everyone, This week our team encountered a reversal of situation.  Our idea of product which we tried to enforce by doing a lot of interviews, was presented by Philips… [...]

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Meeting with the mentors!

January 20, 2019

Hello everybody ! This week was really intense for all members but we managed to find some time for our weekly meeting. We met in EPFL with our mentors so we… [...]

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Back to work!

January 13, 2019

Hi everybody! I hope you are all well! At TΨ, we are finding back to normality after a little Christmas and New Year’s break. While this is the exam period… [...]

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Happy New Year CHIC Besties <3

January 6, 2019

Hello CHIC community! We wish you the best for this new year, and hope you are all doing great so far in your studying to achieve your semester. The next… [...]

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Last post of 2018 !

December 30, 2018

Hello to everyone! We hope you had great Christmas dinners with your family and friends and that you are ready for this new exciting 2019 year ! Each member of… [...]

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Work in progress

December 23, 2018

Hi to everyone! This week, we met at ECAL to explore the surroundings in which the two designers of TΨ (Emilie and Pablo) usually work. After an initial tour, we… [...]

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From Opportunity space to ideation

December 16, 2018

Hey Everyone! This week got off a flying start in Masschallenge, where we were glad to receive more critics about our work. This week has been for us some kind… [...]

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Getting ready for MASSCHALLENGE!

December 9, 2018

Hi everyone, After a creative ideation workshop, we had our weekly meeting on Tuesday. Urbain welcomed us to the premises of his association, The Forum, on the EPFL Campus (this… [...]

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Milestone 1 is done!

December 2, 2018

Hi everybody! The first Milestone lies now behind us. Between the kick-off weekend in October and last Friday’s milestone, TΨ was able to further explore the opportunity space “Stress”. By… [...]

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Jagui’s contribution to the Opportunity Space

November 22, 2018

Dear CHIC members, This week was pretty fruitful for TΨ: We gathered various insights to refine our opportunity space, interviewing different kind of people in their own environment. Working as… [...]

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Pitching workshop and brainstorming session

November 18, 2018

Hi everyone! On Monday, we had a pitching workshop with Benedict Stalder (CTI coach) in our usual BC building at EPFL. This evening was really helpful to prepare ourselves for… [...]

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Workshop #2 / 1st team meeting

November 9, 2018

[embed][/embed] Hi everyone! Last weekend we had a workshop at EPFL that was about team working and we focused on the difficulties of collaborating with different persons on the same… [...]

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A wonderful first week

November 3, 2018

Hi everybody! This week, on Thursday, we could develop the team spirit needed for a successful (we’re confident) CHIC-project! We went out, mentors included, to try an initial Chinese culinary… [...]

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T-PSY is born

October 28, 2018

Hi everybody! We are the T-Ψ team... The 28th of October, six students from different fields met up and came up with the idea to help people yo deal with… [...]

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