By Emilie Stoll March 24, 2019 Discover CARING project

Hi everyone, 

This week was dedicated to feedback for TΨ. And what could be more motivating when they allow us to move forward ! 

Last weekend, our interview with Dominique Truchot-Cardot shed light on the importance of taking into account « silent » data. A very interesting concept that we hadn’t thought of before. 

Subsequently, interviews with members of the care management at EMS Les Pins in Lausanne and the Hospital of Morges also bore fruit. Thanks to them, we were able to target how flexible our interface should be. But also how clear the device must be in order to be understood by older patient. On the industrial design side, we tested our first prototypes to get feedbacks on the size of our product, its hanging system, etc. 

This weekend, marked by MS3, allowed us to realize how much clearer we needed to be about the flow of our data, their security and how our product could be adapted to different hospitals. 

Now, it’s up to us ! 

Stay tuned,