Interview at La Source !

By Urbain Lesbros May 12, 2019 Discover CARING project

Hey there!

This week was sort of fruitful for T-Psy:

  • We conducted an interview in La Source in Lausanne, where many shades were unveiled thanks to Mrs Montantdon, Chief Nursing Officer, especially concerning the physical design and the various icons that will be displayed on our screen-buttons. This aspect is important as everyone should be able to understand them on first sight. As the establishment is actually changing their bell devices, she even congratulated us on our product, judging it as a solid concurrent to ones on the market.
  • After a long discussion with Raffael, we were able to go forward in our PCB design, giving us hint and know-how on this task, so thank you very much 🙂 !!
  • After studying a TV remote by reverse engineering, we were able to get rid of one of our big concern on the design of the screen-button. This shall prove to be easier as it was presented during the last milestone!

Stay tuned!

T-Psy team