It’s been a few days now that we arrived at Shenzhen and it’s now time to share it with you, dear reader !
Our working week started on wednesday by trying to find our hand quarter at xFactory. The journey was long, indeed with the amazing growth of the city so many things changed since last time leaving our guide a bit lost ! But we finally reached our destination and discovered our working place, where the most important step of our project will be take.
The main objective was to organize our work as we have a lot to deliver and not a lot time and in the mean time, we want to exploit Shenzhen resources as much as we can. Then we start working, on our buisness plan and our first pitch for half of the team and on the prototype for the other half.
We finaly reached our first pitch at HAX on friday morning which was our first occasion to present our project in Shenzhen. Everything went really good and we obtained some really interesting feeback ! Friday was a heavy days for ZhuZhu team as we also pitched at hardware massive on the evening, an other interesting experience ! We also had this occasion to visit Huaqiangbei which is not less than the bigger electronic market of the world, we can find there everything that we need to create our prototype and much more !
Overall we are juste starting to feel how amazing Shenzen can be for a hardware innovative project and we will continue to discover more and more during the upcoming week !