Akane is a tool that will help you manage your noise level in the class room. If it’s to loud , the plant will close on it self. If the room is quiet , the plant will open it self.



We came out with one problematic : Noise ! How could we help with it ? and most importantly, how can we use a different way to say it and in a more sensitive way ? Our Engineer and Designer came out with one solution : AKANE

A live feedback of the volume of the noise in the room

During the day and during a specific time , you will need silence for concentration


Live Feedback

The plante will close on it self and react on real time.

Generative Feedback

At the end of the day, you will have a creative picture resuming the noise density during the day

A way to give a more creative feedback for the children

By giving them a creative feedback by showing different level of plant formation and agglomeration. it will help the children understand in a sensitive way and by it, open there imagination.

Application render

Team members

I am currently enrolled in a Master in Information Systems at University of Lausanne and holds a Bachelor in Management (HEC) from Unil. Passionate about digital transformation, technologies, Sino-Swiss relations and great interest in HealthCare and intrapreneurship.
Profile picture of Anne-Lise Dequenne
  • Anne-Lise Dequenne

  • Business
  • UNIL
Profile picture of Theo Denisart
  • Theo Denisart

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • EPFL
Profile picture of Maxime Marchionno
  • Maxime Marchionno

  • Electronic Engineering
    Firmware Engineering
  • EPFL
Profile picture of Yael.Sidler
  • Yael.Sidler

  • User Experience
  • ECAL
Profile picture of Maxime Boutot
  • Maxime Boutot

  • Firmware Engineering
    Software Engineering
  • EPFL
Profile picture of Nadia El-Hindi
  • Nadia El-Hindi

  • Industrial Design
  • ECAL

Contact us

Our blog

Workshop at HKDI !

July 23, 2019

Dear readers, Yesterday, we went to HKDI, the Hong Kong Design Institute for a SWIFT session. There, we matched with local students with whom we designed a new product within… [...]

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A morning in Huawei

July 19, 2019

  Hello there readers,   This morning was very special for the Zhu-Zhu team. Two of us went to Huawei's new campus in Shenzhen. And as you can see, we… [...]

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When real life testing doesn’t go as planned…

July 19, 2019

Dear readers, These last days have been crazy intense! How easy is it to find a classroom of Chinese kids from 6-12 years in the middle of the summer? I… [...]

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Assembling Day

July 16, 2019

Hello Dear Readers, Today was Assembling day for team Zhu-Zhu ! We received the new 3D printed pieces for our plant made with a more resistant material called ABS instead… [...]

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Great workshop at Artop

July 14, 2019

Dear readers, Yesterday we visited Artop Group, a well-established firm mainly active in design innovation. After learning about the company and visiting their showroom, we had a great workshop with some… [...]

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Our first steps at Shenzhen !

July 14, 2019

It's been a few days now that we arrived at Shenzhen and it's now time to share it with you, dear reader ! Our working week started on wednesday by… [...]

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Almost there!

May 30, 2019

Hello everyone ! What an intense week for the Chic participants ! For those who don’t know, this week we had to present our project one last time before China.… [...]

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Agile mindset and prototyping!

May 24, 2019

Dear readers, After Milestone 4 last month and many interviews, we decided to redefine our business model by addressing a new customer segment: schools. The previous design of our connected… [...]

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PCB up and running!

May 16, 2019

Hello ! We received one of our PCB from China, assembled and tested it. Everything works smoothly. The PCB is able to control one motor that will move our plat… [...]

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🌱 – New design, new hardware, new cloud, new interaction

April 25, 2019

Dear readers, It is with a real pleasure that we write you again. If you haven't had news from us, it's because we are working hard on having a working… [...]

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Attacking the deep sorrow of open-spaces

March 26, 2019

Dear readers, After a quiet long absence on the blog, it's a real pleasure to write you again. We've got a lot of reassessments and it was difficult for us… [...]

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Prototyping weekend

March 10, 2019

Dear readers, It has been a long time!  After the kick-off weekend, we decided to stick to noise in coworking space. In our MVP, each noise sensor will be embedded… [...]

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Getting at it

February 7, 2019

Dear readers, These last weeks we worked on different aspects of the prototype in order to validate our assumptions. We used the prototyping canva as a framework to guide us… [...]

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MVP and brainstorming

February 2, 2019

Dear readers, We hope you are doing great! ZhuZhu team had quite a productive meeting last week! We discussed about our prototyping canvas and the feedback which we received from the… [...]

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The ZhuZhu ready to Zuò

January 25, 2019

Dear readers, The team finished their respective exam session and is ready to for 2019. As part of an assignment, each team member had to work on a reflexivity paper… [...]

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No news, good news?

December 16, 2018

Dear readers, It has been a long time since our last blog post!  Everything is going well for the ZhuZhu Team. After a great brainstorming session last weekend, we decided… [...]

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Milestone 1 done, please now fasten your seatbelt for ideation!

December 2, 2018

Dear readers, These past few days have been super intense for the Zhu Zhu team! This week was the deadline for delivering our Milestone 1 report. Hopefully, the whole team… [...]

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Shooting Day for The Zhu-Zhu Team !

November 24, 2018

Dear readers, Last Wednesday evening we had our first photoshoot with the team, which was a first for some of the team members.  While being challenging to pose in front… [...]

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Pitching, metting and green olive !

November 19, 2018

Dear readers, All the team is really busy, but we finally find a moment to write you about our progress! Last week stand the pitching workshop which was a great… [...]

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Brainstorming and time mana…what?

November 12, 2018

Dear readers, Last Friday night we had our first meeting with the team. 📝💡 To better understand everyone's motivations, we all introduced our personal project portfolio and interests. After self-introductions,… [...]

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Entering the matrix

November 6, 2018

My dear readers, What a pleasure to write you about last CHIC friday night and last CHIC saturday. For our second kick-off meeting, we spent this Saturday in our, now… [...]

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Team Presentation

October 29, 2018

Dear CHIC community, Kick-off weekend is done! After 2 days of meetings new people and brainstorming, we now have a team : Zhu Zhu. Zhū Zhú (zhū which means “pig”,… [...]

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🌱 – New design, new hardware, new cloud, new interaction

April 25, 2019

Dear readers, It is with a real pleasure that we write you again. If you haven't had news from us, it's because we are working hard on having a working… [...]

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How to get the perfect idea ?

February 11, 2019

Dear readers, Wow what a click-bait title. Buzzfeed get out that body. Ok. So. Let's be serious. I think it's the right time to unleash our way to make decisions.… [...]

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Hello 2019!

January 6, 2019

[gallery ids="5009"] Hey! First of all: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !!! Just after Christmas, we had a great last meeting of 2018 hosted by Yael who took care of us… [...]

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