Kick-off week-end and team building

By Diane Marquette October 13, 2019 Discover Check-y project

Hi everyone!

We are the “Resourceful” team, and we’re thrilled to join the CHIC community.

We’re a multidisciplinary team of five extremely motivated students:

  • Marine Fondin, ECAL student in Industrial Design
  • Taavet Kangur, EPFL student in Robotics
  • Diane Marquette, EPFL student in Robotics
  • Maëlick Brochut, EPFL student in Life Science
  • Nicolas Mauroux, UNIL student in Information Systems

During the kick-off, we enjoyed meeting the whole cohort of this edition. It was an intense weekend with many brainstorming sessions, team building, and first pitches. One of the thematics that emerged – and with it, our team – was resources and how we use them.

We look forward to digging deeper into this critical issue. We can’t wait to keep you posted on our journey!