Interviews, Mentors, and Milestone 1…

By Nicolas Mauroux November 11, 2019 Discover Check-y project

Hi everyone!


What’s new in the Resourceful team?


We interviewed several people to choose which field we will explore during the next steps. We decided to work on concussions. We had the opportunity to discuss with a physiotherapist who works very closely with professional athletes.


We also got in touch with our mentors. We scheduled an appointment (the ones with beers ^^) to meet them and talk about our project. We hope they will give us some useful tricks and advice to help us with the next steps.


The first milestone is getting closer and closer… We still have a lot on our plate with many tasks to complete before next Thursday. But we’re still extremely motivated and want to do our best!


Good luck to the other teams and see you soon for more news!


The Resourceful Team