The team is finally together!

By Anuraag Pothula November 23, 2019 Discover FlyQ project

Since we were only five members during the kick off week-end and the initial sixth member had to resign on this project, we didn’t get to know the remaining member of our team until this week. Last Monday, we had the pleasure to meet as a full team for the first time!


All aboard! Our team is composed of two design students from HEAD: Somaya (2nd year of bachelor in  product design) and Amsatou (1st year of master in media design), one business student from HEG: Antoine (3rd year of bachelor in international business management), three engineering students from HEPIA: Stéphane (3rd year of bachelor in IT), Isaac and Anuraag (both in 3rd year of bachelor in microengineering).


After getting to know each other, we started sharing ideas on how to work together and established the structure, decision making and ground rules of our team work. We are currently in a research phase until December 16th to explore different opportunity spaces  that match with our identity and where we believe a solution is needed. Each of us is conducting informal interviews, observations and literature reviews to identify these opportunity areas.


Hopefully, the spark within our hearts will become a long lasting flame over the next few months.