
Team from Geneva for CHIC 2019-2020


The next step in mixed reality sports

Beyond touchscreens, physically interacting with augmented reality. Pokémon-go got people walking around outside seeing the virtual world through their phone screens. We are taking it a step further letting them run around and physically interact with the virtual world.

The brains of the system

We have developed our system around a central processor that coordinates the interactions of each player.


Communication is key

Our hardwear integrates Bluetooth, WiFi, and IR communication to allow our system to be controlled by a range of accessorie.

Navigating the virtual space

It's nice to see what you're touching, so to help our users navigate our virtual worlds we will also be developing a more traditional AR interface to work seamlessly with our physical system.

Application render

Team members

Profile picture of Somaya Belkaied
  • Somaya Belkaied

  • Industrial Design
  • HEAD
Profile picture of Amsatou Diop
  • Amsatou Diop

  • HEAD
Profile picture of Stéphane Oliveira Paredes
  • Stéphane Oliveira Paredes

  • Firmware Engineering
    Software Engineering
Profile picture of Isaac Stern
  • Isaac Stern

  • Electronic Engineering
    Firmware Engineering
Profile picture of Anuraag Pothula
  • Anuraag Pothula

  • Electronic Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering
Profile picture of antoinepinede
  • antoinepinede

  • Business
  • HEG-GE

Contact us

Our blog

Milestone 3 & lockdown

March 29, 2020

We've just had our milestone 3 check up this week. Since we are all in a semi-lockdown period, the meeting had to be done online. 21st century connectivity has its… [...]

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Spaghetti and pie, and amazing things in the sky.

March 9, 2020

Since Milestone 2 the team members have been concentrating on their respective fields of expertise. Business has been digging into pie charts, with the first results back from our desirability… [...]

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Who, what, where, when, why, and how? Tough questions make for robust ideas!

February 17, 2020

This weekend the Geneva team got together with all the other CHIC teams in Lausanne and we had a blast. With the expert guidance of John Fass and the CHIC… [...]

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Buzz words

February 13, 2020

The team has been busier than ever over the end of semester break. So busy we overlooked our blog posts. It took us some time to make our choice of… [...]

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The drawing board

January 13, 2020

  We took a break from posting over the holidays, but that doesn’t mean we weren’t hard at work. Before the break we had picked our opportunity space, and since… [...]

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Final push to refine our opportunity space and get our team contract put together.

December 13, 2019

This week we got together again and worked hard on figuring out what exactly our opportunity space is going to be and why we thought it was a good one.… [...]

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Funneling our ideas

December 2, 2019

All together again and sharing ideas. We have been defending our views and looking for new methods to boost our creativity. It is now time to narrow down the scope… [...]

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The team is finally together!

November 23, 2019

Since we were only five members during the kick off week-end and the initial sixth member had to resign on this project, we didn’t get to know the remaining member… [...]

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