Our team is now “READY”

By Yannick Vallat November 24, 2019 Discover WatchOn project

Hi everyone,

We are happy to inform you that our team is officially created and composed of 6 amazing and motivated people. The kick off weekend was a good opportunity to meet each other for a first time, we had a great pleasure being working together on this first and exciting exercice.

Our team is composed of 5 people from HEIG-VD and one person from the ECAL who will be in charge of the industrial design part. Nevertheless, we are still missing one person of our group. Actually, he is studying in Canada until the end of december and plan to be back in Switzerland for the end of this year. We planned to have our first skype call with him next Wednesday night. We are already exciting about meeting him for the first time, even more when we know it is going to be through an uncommon way.

Next wednesday night will not only be the night of meeting the last person of our group, but also an important moment where decisions will have to be made in order to answer the first Milestone.

Amazing week to all you guys