Hi everyone!
Last week was really packed with Milestone 2 and the lift-off weekend. This week was a bit lighter for our team. Marine is (finally!) enjoying her holidays. The four other members of the team started their spring semester at HEC Lausanne for Nicolas and EPFL for the three engineers.
We still managed to meet on Thursday morning. The set-up was a bit hybrid between digital and physical (the three engineers were at EPFL and connected to Marine in Toulouse and Nicolas in Vevey with Zoom). We were able to define our team’s roadmap for the next four weeks leading to the … (you’ve guessed it 😉 ) Milestone 3 !
On Monday, we also had the confirmation of the engineers’ supervisors. We are really thankful for their enthusiasm for our project, and we will do our best to meet their expectations!
As we’re diving deeper into the prototyping phase, we now clearly divided the work to be done (especially in the engineering part). To sum up:
- Marine is working on the Industrial Design and User Experience dimensions of our project.
- Nicolas is focusing on the business perspective and will also help Marine work on the User Experience.
- Taavet is in charge of the hardware part and is supervised by Prof. Alexandre Schmid.
- Diane is responsible for the communication and firmware part. She is also supervised by Prof. Alexandre Schmid.
- Maelick is in charge of the software and signal processing part. He’s supervised by Dr. Benjamin Ricaud.
We can’t wait to see how our prototype will evolve during the semester.
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for next week’s update!