Kick-off weekend

By Deborah Berset February 18, 2018 Edition CHIC 2017-2018Discover CORE project

Dear CHIC Community,

Team Fribourg was very pleased to meet all of you during this weekend !

All the expertise that was here helped us very much. We had a lot of different feedbacks & we sometimes got punched in the face. But everything that was said helped us to question & re-evaluate the things we thought were acquired. We then took a step further & realized we had to change our customer segment. Indeed, it was way too complex & we didn’t have enough knowledge to go into a medical field.

We eventually chose another customer segment & our present project has deviated a bit from the initial one. However, we are more motivated than ever & will work hard on this new project.

Can’t wait to see you in China !

Team Fribourg

PS: Here is the beautiful prototype we created this weekend