Dear CHIC Community,
The past Milestones have not always been easy. However, with time and dedication we came to a good idea that fit within our competences and within the time remaining. Our last pivot seems to be good and we are now going full speed on this project.
Oversee and its product, the Winko, is a little snap-joining device that helps supervisors to be sure that the kids they have to take care of are safe and stay around. This device will alert the supervisor for example if a kid falls in the water or goes to far away from the supervisor. We aim to target pre-primary and primary schools, as well as orphanages that already manifested an interest for such a device.
We reached Milestone 4 today and it went quite well despite the fact that we weren’t able to present our demo due to a software issue. What a frustrating feeling after all the work our engineers spent on it during the previous days and even last full night.
After having presented this Milestone we received feedbacks with some areas of improvement of course, but the feedbacks were very positive and encouraging. That motivates us tons! Moreover, the Swiss TV show us their interest in following us during a part of this project while in China!
The next steps will be to pursue the existing work and put together the engineering prototype and the design oriented one.
We are looking forward to giving you more information on the final steps of this not always easy but surely beautiful and enriching experience!
Have a nice weekend,
Team Fluid