Hello dear friends,
during this third semester of our CHIC-experience you received less constant updates from your team Toygether. However, when you do, you already know it’s only for positive news!
The development is advancing without breaks behind the scenes. The MassChallange demo is coming very soon and we will need to be ready with a functional prototype (version 2 this time). Simone is designing a brand new PCB with a whole new set of functionalities that we would be able to implement in the future. Chloe is working on the mechanics of the object by preparing both the new blackbox and a very user-friendly connector to attach it to the rest of the toy. Lastly, I have fully moved the communication system to the cloud, enabling both the plush toy and the Android application to connect from anywhere in the world and play together. In the meantime, the toy is getting “on steroids” lately with the implementation of a fully parallel dual-core firmware architecture that can manage all this engineering magic we have put inside it!

One slide for one pitch
However, while from such perspective our path is heading towards its conclusion with the final demo, a new adventure is starting at the same time as well. For us, it’s a re-START (wait a moment to understand this capitalization…), under a completely different light. Toygether is participating in the “START Lausanne ” (oh, now it makes sense), a known start-up competition that every year takes place on the Dorigny campus next door.
The first selection took place yesterday: an Elevator pitch of 2 minutes to present our product and convince the judges to keep us in the competition. Out of 60 teams joining this year, only 18 would be accepted to continue and… we are pleased to share that we did it 🎉 🎊
I guess that all the pitching we did in Switzerland and China eventually paid off and we have finally got used to it 😉
While we get ready for the upcoming milestones of the competition, check out our pitch if you are interested in it!
See you for the next update,
Yann for Toygether
P.S. Congrats to our dear friends in the Flowlin team to have passed the pitch selection of the START competition as well 💪