Hello to all Shockeys’ followers!
We’re happy to announce that Milestone 4 is behind us and that it went well. We were able to present our current design made by our industrial designer, Marine. We also described our current business model, which is basically a one-time payment for a basic app for the parents and a subscription model for the complete app, which targets the coaches. Taavet worked a lot to make our first PCBs. We are also now able to connect more than one headband to the router, which wasn’t easy, but Diane made it possible. Maëlick learned a lot on databases and started to process some mock signals.
Thanks to the team of professors involved in this project, we had a lot of feedback, which will help us to improve our product.
Today, we planned the next steps to be ready for MS5, which is less than 4 weeks ahead!! We’re strapping ourselves in for some rollercoaster weeks.
See you soon for some more news from us!
Stay safe!