We are really progressing with our device Aimo and this is partly due to our (outstanding) organization, as you were able to see it in the last post. In addition to using several different applications, we also are clear on each member’s responsibilities and roles, which is very important. But the good thing in our team is that even though we have well-defined tasks, we are always available and ready to help each other in any activity.
In this post, I’m going to talk about my specific tasks and role in this project. So I’m the business person in our team, that means that my tasks are mainly related to business models and value propositions, as well as the relationship with the customers and the market. So when the engineers or designers have a crazy (but good, obviously) idea that in the end will not be viable, it is my job to bring them back to the ruthless truth of our world of consumption.
The nice thing about a new project is that you can still make all sorts of ridiculous assumptions before you realize that those will not happen. But it is good and necessary to broaden your mind at the beginning because sometimes some of the ridiculous ideas aren’t actually so bad. You need to think about who your customers are going to be. Are there different segments? And inside of each segment, can you observe other divisions? Once you’ve figured that out you need to ask yourself: so what will I bring to those customers? What kind of problem will I solve for them with my product? How can I make it to be actually useful to the customer? So that’s what I’ve been doing lately.
And to answer those kind of questions, what’s better than actually going outside and talk to the potential customers to verify all the hypotheses that you’ve previously made? Nothing. So that’s what I’m doing too right now. Try to interview as many customers as possible in order to make the best product and also being able to sell it afterwards (obviously). I’ve been able to observe a few trends already and I’ll keep you post-it for the final results!
In the meantime, here is the link to our survey: https://aimo.typeform.com/to/R9Vuq3
We would be grateful for your help!