On Thursday we have the 1st milestone, meaning that we would present the progress of OKeep. The journey so far is very exciting but not so easy !
Here are some quick feedbacks from our team:
Business: more interviews were made, dynamo seems not to be so much liked by potential customers, the main reason is that it slows down ! The 2nd survey has been posted on many Facebook groups, and we received many responses across the world ! What comes out about the dynamo is interesting, people tend to be ok with dynamo but they all prefer by far hub-dynamo. We also asked if they would prefer a simple battery to recharge (compared to the dynamo) and here is the funny part: it’s a 50-50 ! Thus we believe we should choose a battery if we evolve as a B2C but definitely implement a hub-dynamo if B2B.
Electrical Engineering: Finally got through the choice of all the components. Definitely a hard task when keeping the prices in mind, and still make something that performs well !
Software Engineering: The application is on its way. Nothing very fancy yet. The GPS location and the map is functional, directions are almost there. Bluetooth connection can be established the next step will be to add the data transferability.