Week 8 – Be challenged and keep going !

By Adrien Born April 18, 2016 Edition CHIC 2015-2016Discover Okeep project


We met this week and talked about the screen, LED, TFT ? Color or monochrome ? We encountered more issues, what about resistance (when falling), waterproof, etc…

Many questions are raised any time we deal with a component, this is probably what makes the journey exciting.

During the meeting we had the chance to be filmed for the future documentary about CHIC, it was fun to feel like “stars behind the screen”.

On the business side a solution interview has been written, it is now time to schedule interviews ! One interview had already been done and the same problems come up: cables and dynamo. Indeed, the product we are currently designing is definitely better for a B2B model. If a constructor agrees to implement our device directly into the bike, it would be a win-win ! Their bikes would have a huge competitive advantage and our cables would be hidden inside the bike and a hub-dynamo would make the whole perfect !

Tomorrow we will see our supervisors, it is probably going to be an enriching experience for our team and for Okeep that will be challenged, this is what any product need. Be challenged as much as possible, in order to be redefined and get as close as possible to perfection.