Hello everyone!
We have arrived almost one week ago in China, already! We landed in Hong Kong last Tuesday night and have already done so much! It’s time for you to know what the Aimo team has been up to…
Let’s start with Hong-Kong. We were at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and you can see on the picture the view that we had from the main building! Pretty nice!
I’ll have to take some shortcuts here to explain you what we’ve been doing because otherwise you will never finish to read this article!
So the main thing that we did in HK was to PITCH, again and again! We have all been able to practice our pitching skills in front of different audiences: we met some young and dynamic start-up incubators at Brinc.io, some students at the university, some experimented investors at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, some accelerators at Makerhive, etc. So we got some really interesting feedbacks that helped us improve every time! So very challenging but very demanding as well (we went to bed at 4am on Thursday night to get ready for the pitch that we had on Friday morning)!
On the picture, you can see how full of energy we were for the first pitch! I’m not going to post one showing our faces when we left HK on Sunday…!
We also visited some companies such as Modern Terminals, Panalpina and HKSTP and of course we went to the Victoria Park to admire the view from the top, look at that! We walked back to the city center afterwards, I let you imagine the slope of the walk down (at least we did some work out!)
We did other thing as well in HK but I’ll let you go and check the main page of CHIC on which there are detailed articles about every day that we spend in HK!
So we arrived in Shenzhen yesterday afternoon. We are in a very nice hotel, which is kind of different from the university dorms that we had in HK. So we are all very happy!
And today, Monday, after a perfect breakfast at the hotel, we started to work on our devices at Seeed Studio. They are welcoming us in their offices so that we can try to build our functional prototype by the end of the week! So it is going to be a very busy week for us.
Today we mainly did a list of all the things that each of us need to do in order to have something by the end of the week!
Lara worked on the design of the website aimo.io today and coordinated everyone. She helped Sorina to get here because she was still in HK! Link started by cleaning up the code in order for it to be perfect for the following, he defined his firmware and software objectives and he worked on the external memory of Aimo’s PCB. Alexis worked on the mechanical design so that we were able to send the inner mailbox part of Aimo to the 3D printer at the end of the day! We are excited to see tomorrow hoe the printing has been going! Sorina travelled here from HK where she’s working in a start-up in parallel. She brought us the missing components and the PCBs! You can look at the picture to see how beautiful they are:
JB worked on the design of our potential future deposit box and I worked on the article mainly today, kept my log book up to date so that I don’t forget to share any important information with you and I prepared my program for the week as well.
That us working (even if we had some issues with the Internet connexion!!!):