Day 2 in Seeed Studio

By Adrien Born July 19, 2016 Edition CHIC 2015-2016Discover Okeep project

Seeed Studio told us the missing components should arrive at 2pm, however to be sure, electrical engineers went to the Huaqiangbei market to buy some of them. It went well they were able to find all the necessary but one cable with mini USB… very strange as is it a common component !

The rest of the teams stayed in the hotel to work on our respective parts. With business managers from Hibachi and Aimo, Adrien went to Carrefour to see how bikes and other accessories are sold. It seems small and foldable bikes are more sold, price varies from 240 to 2’000 yuan, approximately CHF 35.- to 300.- The purchasing power is definitely lower than in Switzerland. Only one helmet is sold, there are just 3 of them and cost 89 yuan (CHF 14.-). Although many people use a bike or scooters no one wears a helmet, probably because it is hot, and they consider it useless, the question deserves an answer. Anyway, we can conclude Shenzen is not a place where OKEEP could be sold.


Once arrived at Seeed Studio PCBs had been stencilled but we were then told components will arrive at 5pm. While waiting, Patrick and Victor worked on the CAD (computer aided design) of the box supposed to hold the main hardware of the helmet placed on the back. In this way they can final check everything fit together. On another side, 3D printing is planned and should be done soon.


Although Pablo looks very relaxed the website is being made and should be done by tomorrow.


Pitching slides have been refined and some slides were added in case some particular common questions are raised.