The road is long and full of ambushes

By Thomas Havy April 18, 2018 Edition CHIC 2017-2018Discover FLUID project

Dear CHIC community,

Some time has passed since the last blog post, and spent some time exploring different directions in terms of technology, design and business. Alex (industrial design) had his midterm presentation last Thursday, which was the opportunity for his teachers to give him feedback on our device and the progress we have made since the last milestone. Unfortunately, the feedback was not as good as expected and the teacher were a bit skeptical about our device and its relevance.

We are in a period of – soon to be resolved – doubt. We have to rethink our priorities and decide on which functions we want to focus. There has been some debate on the feasibility (with regard to the time remaining before we go to China) of the self-inflating jacket. We are thinking about what function we could add to our drown-prevention device, or about expanding the context of use of our device as well as targeting new markets. To get better insights, Victor (HEC) went to the sailing center at UNIL sports center to meet instructors and discuss our ideas with them and if it can be useful.

An important meeting is to take place this Friday, to discuss the progress and direction of the team. The design teachers, Marc Laperrouza and our supervisor Jamie Paik will be there. This will be the perfect opportunity to update everybody on the progress and make sure everyone is on the same page.

We will of course keep you informed about the next steps and until then, have a nice week!