Let’s start!

By Giulia Lécureux October 28, 2018 Edition CHIC 2018-2019Discover NOX project


1st step Done !

The kickoff weeekend of the CHIC was really intense and full of thinking, ideation, brainstorming and of course fun!

We started the kickoff weekend working with all the other students from EPFL, UNIL, and ECAL. We made differents exercises to introduce us to the right methodology to use. We then went out on the field, shadowing people and trying to understand them and getting insights.

The second day was dedicated to build a specific opportunity space from the insights we gathered. We then pitched our ideas individually and then voted for our favorite, in order to have a common starting point for our project.

Our team is formed of 6 students from HEPIA, HEG, and HEAD and we will dig into the theme of lonelyness.

Stay tuned to see what our findings will be !