With the set of lamps NOX, brighten up the lives of your loved ones takes a new dimension.


More than a lamp, it's a new way of communication

Did you ever came back home, alone in a dark living room and wished to have your family or beloved one with you ? Whether you live in the same city, or across the globe, that is what NOX does. It lets you brighten up your beloved one's home with your presence, even when you are apart.

A set of connected lamps to brighten two homes & feel closer

The lamps simulate your presence in the other's home, thanks to sensors, mechanisms, and light variations.


Far but closer

Across the globe, the light brings you closer to your loved one, and allow you to communicate passively and metaphorically.


The lamps are connected through WIFI and communicate instantaneously when you move.

LED Variations

The closer you get to the lamp, the brighter the other will shine, and its color will also change to brighten up the mood.

Rotation and Torsion

The more you move, the more the sensors will transpose it into rotative mechanisms in the other lamp, like a beating heart.

Connect the lamps and let them brighten up your nights.

Just connect your lamp to your WIFI in a few simple clicks on the configuration page. When they are both connected, they will shine in a warmer color to let you know when your beloved one's lamp is turned on, and ready to brighten up your homes! Check out the video to discover it !

Application render

Team members

Profile picture of Raoul Dupuis
  • Raoul Dupuis

  • Electronic Engineering
    Firmware Engineering
    Software Engineering
Profile picture of Tanguy Nicole
  • Tanguy Nicole

  • Industrial Design
  • HEAD
Profile picture of Giulia LĂ©cureux
  • Giulia LĂ©cureux

  • Business
  • HEG-GE
Profile picture of Romain Graille
  • Romain Graille

  • User Experience
  • HEAD
Profile picture of Phillip Geier
  • Phillip Geier

  • Electronic Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering
    Software Engineering
Profile picture of LoĂŻc Blattmann
  • LoĂŻc Blattmann

  • Software Engineering

Contact us

Our blog

Few days remaining

July 25, 2019

Hi everyone, Our Monday in Hong Kong was completely occupied by a design fiction organized by CHIC in collaboration with the Hong Kong Design Institute. The objective of this design… [...]

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Goodbye Shenzhen, Hello Hong Kong !

July 22, 2019

On Sunday, we left Shenzhen after two intense and crazy weeks! Between the pitches, the companies' visits, the workshop and just working on our prototype at x.Factory, the times flew… [...]

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Nox – prototype is assembled

July 18, 2019

Hi everyone ! Yesterday for the first time, we assembled two lamps completely, and after connecting them, we could see the animation when they exchange the movement data. Indeed, the last… [...]

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Dicovering low-cost production

July 17, 2019

Yesterday, we visited the PCB factory in the surroundings of Shenzhen. And thanks to that, I finally understood what the engineers in our team were working on and talked about.… [...]

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Connected prototypes

July 15, 2019

Hey readers! I am pretty proud to say that our prototypes’ connection and communication have been tested and approved. Even if small problems remain, we can say that we have… [...]

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Hi from Shenzhen

July 14, 2019

Hello everyone, After a long trip to Shenzhen and the introduction of the x.factory team, we continued working on our prototype. We first checked if all the components survived the transportation… [...]

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MS5 Done – 3 weeks left to China

June 13, 2019

Hi everyone! Yesterday we finally had our last Milestone presentation, before flying to China. We also had the pleasure to pitch in front of two additional guests, Pierre, and Mehmed… [...]

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MS5 Delayed, but work is still on its way!

May 28, 2019

Hi everyone! It has been a long time without any news from Unum+Solum, but a lot of work has been done in a month! Since MS4, where we decided to… [...]

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MS4 – DONE !

April 19, 2019

Hello everyone, Last Wednesday we had the presentation of the Milestone 4. As we previously explained, we decided to completely re-think the design of our lamps, since it was costly… [...]

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April 10, 2019

  Dear All, Yesterday our two designers (Romain and Tanguy) and business developer (Giulia), met with our 2 supervisors from the HEAD. There has been a lot of discussion regarding… [...]

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Milestone 3 – Checked !

March 22, 2019

Hi everyone! Last Wednesday we had our Milestone 3 presentation at the HEAD in Geneva with our respective supervisors. We made a lot of progress in the weeks before the… [...]

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A proof of concept, a focus group and a jellyfish

March 14, 2019

Hello everyone! It has been a long time since our last post, but work is still going on! We are preparing for the milestone 3 next week, finishing some reflection… [...]

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Lift-off weekend over : Serious stuffs start now !

February 18, 2019

The lift-off weekend was, as usual, really intense, rich in feedback and insights, and very productive! After having spent the last week preparing for our presentation, we finally presented our… [...]

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Unum+Solum meet Guido

January 31, 2019

  Hello everyone! It has been quite a long time since our last post, but better late than never! 😉 The exams system is a bit different in Geneva and… [...]

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What about fellings?

January 17, 2019

Hi everybody, This week, we are having a lot of fundamental questions about feelings. It is hard to understand exactly what one feels when he misses someone, and even harder… [...]

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Happy New Year

January 4, 2019

Hi everyone, We hope you had great Christmas, and we wish you a happy new year 2019 ! Our first meeting of this year was more productive than the last… [...]

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Exploring a first solution

December 19, 2018

Hi everyone, As usual, we had our weekly meeting to discuss our advancement and the next steps to take, but this week we were more focused on the M&M's dispenser… [...]

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Finding and developing ideas

December 15, 2018

Hi everyone, Following the ideation workshop we had last week, we are still in the process of finding projects, so we did a lot of research on our theme and… [...]

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Milestone 2: Ready, Steady, Go !

December 8, 2018

  Hello everyone! This week started with a new workshop to launch us on the new Milestone Objectives: Ideation! Now that we identified our opportunity space, and work to refine… [...]

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Milestone 1 – Done !

December 2, 2018

The first Milestone presentation is done! Last Wednesday, our team had to present our opportunity space with our human, physical and data space. We worked a lot all the weekend… [...]

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Time to sprint

November 24, 2018

Last Research Sprint! Hi everyone! These last days have been intense, REALLY intense. As you know, next week we have our first milestone and have to present our opportunity space.… [...]

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Week 3 + Workshop 3

November 16, 2018

Another week, another workshop! This week has started with a new workshop to prepare us to pitch our opportunity space at the end of the month. The difficulty in these… [...]

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Workshop 2+

November 9, 2018

Hi Everyone! It is only the beginning of our CHIC journey and we already have a lot to manage and to do! Last weekend, we had a workshop on team-building,… [...]

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Brainstorming 1+

October 31, 2018

A few days after the kick-off weekend of CHIC, and having the time to reflect all the new information we received, we met to organize our work for the coming… [...]

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Let’s start!

October 28, 2018

  1st step Done ! The kickoff weeekend of the CHIC was really intense and full of thinking, ideation, brainstorming and of course fun! We started the kickoff weekend working… [...]

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What about feelings?

January 17, 2019

Hi everybody, This week, we are having a lot of fundamental questions about feelings. It is hard to understand exactly what one feels when he misses someone, and even harder… [...]

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