
Less is more…


Canary, the guardian angel of railway workers

Safety is the at the base of the Maslow pyramid thus, this is the will of anyone to evolve in a safe area. With Canary we aim at providing safety to every railway worker. Canary is there to alert railway workers when a train is coming by flashing and producing a sound.

Mains features of Canary

Alone we go faster but together we go further !



The security supervisor is able to interact through the remote with the workers by turning the canary on and off.

Sound alert

A high pitch sound is produced when device is turned on to alert the workers.

Light alert

The device flashes as long as the workers need to be in the safe area.

Why Canary ?

Working on a railway construction site is difficult for the workers because most of the time trains are still passing on the rails. Workers need to be alerte individually when a train is coming close. So far, only air horns and emergency lights have been used.

Application render

Team members

I am an EPFL Master student in Robotics, specialised in Industrial Robotics, and you've probably guessed it by now, doing a minor in STAS. I have also done my Bachelor at EPFL, in Microengineering.
Profile picture of Karim Khatib
  • Karim Khatib

  • Electronic Engineering
  • EPFL
Profile picture of Tobias Tingström
  • Tobias Tingström

  • Business
  • UNIL
Profile picture of Noémie Soriano
  • Noémie Soriano

  • Industrial Design
  • ECAL
Profile picture of Paul Fritz
  • Paul Fritz

  • User Experience
  • ECAL

Contact us

Our blog

We are back with an update !

May 27, 2020

We have been gone for a while and an update is long long due. Let’s start with a small refresher: Our device combats hearing loss for workers in the building… [...]

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Less is more a sound problematic

January 13, 2020

Hi, “Guess who’s back? Back again” Eminem 2002 Yes, you are right, La Table team is back for a follow up on his or her (still not decided) project.  … [...]

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We are back ! We know you miss us :)

December 30, 2019

Hello,   La Table team was a bit behind schedules the past few weeks. However, a lot had been going on behind the scene.   In order to fill in… [...]

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The progress of the project

November 17, 2019

This week we had to present our opportunity space. For this reason we discussed at length and summarized our perception of the initial theme of the \"Less is more\". We… [...]

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Group contract

November 8, 2019

The less is more team attended an unexpected workshop last week-end. The later aimed to push the team to write a contract that sets rules within the group to reach… [...]

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First thing first

October 24, 2019

Last Friday was the first meeting of « La table » Team. The aim of this session was to develop the team bounding and start to brainstorm about the “Less is more”… [...]

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La Table

October 13, 2019

"La table est un type de meuble, initialement composé d'une surface plane et horizontale."   Noémie Soriano : Industrial Design, ECAL Karim Khatib : Robotics Master, EPFL Charaf-ed-dine El Fattahi : Theoretical… [...]

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