
Team 4 – 2019-2020 –
Enhance the relationship between plants and humans with a modern and new technology.


Roots - Interactive, Artistic and Sensibilizing installation

Roots is an artistic installation that can turn any plant into a sensitive touch sensor to generate beautiful visuals when the plant is touched, caressed or approached by a hand. It is a way to deepen the connection between humans and plants.

Connect with nature

Touch is a very powerful sense. By Touching we can communicate our deepest emotions such as trust, pain and love.


Tactile experience

Being able not only to observe a plant but also touch it, deepens the connection and raises awereness of the importance of plants.

Visual experience

Our installation visualizes the plant's senses that humans cannot always perceive.


Our sensor design fits to any plant without obstructing the plant's well being or growth.


The plant's feelings are transformed into a dynamic piece of abstract art, making the user wonder about human-plants interactions.

Dynamic art piece

Our installation gives you the possibility to customize the visual art conceived by plants. It's an open-source project where graphics are customable. Going to see plants becomes an experience by itself, which is often forgotten by us in our busy lives.

Application render

Team members

Profile picture of Malik Sobgoui
  • Malik Sobgoui

  • User Experience
  • ECAL
Baccalauréat universitaire en systèmes d'information et science des services - Université de Genève
Profile picture of Martynas Savickas
  • Martynas Savickas

  • Business
  • UNIL
Profile picture of Leonardo Mussa
  • Leonardo Mussa

  • Electronic Engineering
  • EPFL
Profile picture of Arthur BRICQ
  • Arthur BRICQ

  • Software Engineering
  • EPFL
Profile picture of Alan Schopfer
  • Alan Schopfer

  • Industrial Design
  • ECAL

Contact us

Our blog

Final blog post

June 17, 2020

This is our final team blog post, Roots. The last milestone, two weeks ago, didn't really close our yearly collaboration as we had to stay close for everyone's exams (ECAL… [...]

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Last finalizing steps

May 15, 2020

Hi all! During last 2 weeks we've been refining the PCB and schematic design (there are always errors to be found!) and we are now almost ready to send our… [...]

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May 1, 2020

Hello everyone, During last week we finalized our prototype and we started thinking about the battery consumption and integration within the plastic case. We also thought about how we could… [...]

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Roots – Applant – Progress

April 26, 2020

Hi all. The last week was dedicated to the development of our PCB, which is now almost done, and to the finalization of our electronic circuit. A severe modification happened… [...]

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Roots Progress

April 17, 2020

Recap of what is up, for the engineering team of ROOTS Our team, roots, has encountered many problems since this confinement. This post will relate them and explain the solutions… [...]

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The prjoect continues

April 8, 2020

It's time for a little update on the current status of our work, since a lot of progress was made during last month. Our idea of a connected sensor that… [...]

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Work in Progress

March 17, 2020

Milestone 3 is now approaching and many things have changed since Milestone 2 ( among which a global epidemic), but our initial idea of connecting people to plants through technology… [...]

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February 27, 2020

Hello everyone, Last week has been pretty intense but productive, after last meeting each one of us has a clear idea of what is to be done next: Alan is… [...]

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Catching up

February 20, 2020

Now that we knew exactly what we’ll be creating we caught up all the work other teams did during the lift-off weekend and defined personal tasks to everyone to make… [...]

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Big MS2 meeting with many new ideas

February 17, 2020

Our MS2 meeting was very ‘intense’, if that is not an euphemism. We came to realise, for different reasons that are explained here, that our group was oriented toward the… [...]

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Closing the circle

January 17, 2020

Christmas holidays have been a time for relaxing, preparing for the upcoming exams and also for refining our original concept of a connected pot.  New year came along with new ideas… [...]

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Christmas Break

December 28, 2019

During winter plants go to sleep and prepare for the next season, in the same way the members of the Applant team are enjoying christmas with their families and taking… [...]

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Final objective defined

December 22, 2019

After our presentation at the MassChallenge we received very good feedback on our project. After this presentation we defined all the final requirements and functionalities that our connected object should… [...]

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Plant Power

December 13, 2019

Last monday, before we presented our opportunity at MassChallenge, we knew we wanted to make plants more interactive, empowering them with the ability to communicate their needs.  That green thing… [...]

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Appelant getting lunched

November 28, 2019

Today we had a group meeting which helped us define a little bit more our solution. After some research and many discussions, we got to understand a few point about… [...]

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Reaching for the light

November 22, 2019

Plants love light: at every moment billions of trees worldwide stretch, twist and do everything possible to reach their sunny place in the forest. As a tree that is looking… [...]

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A productive week

November 12, 2019

This week was a very productive week for our team, and at the end of it we now know we must (very likely) change our name soon.  After having dived… [...]

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New Ideas

November 8, 2019

Hi folks!   Today we brainstormed a lot about our subject and ideas.   We are trying now to focus on something more accurate than just big themes. So, we… [...]

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First ideas

October 21, 2019

Hello all, Today, the BeeBoyzz met and discussed about our project, and what we want to do.  As we mentioned last time, we are trying to fight against biodiversity losses.… [...]

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October 13, 2019

We are the Beeboys! Moderns societies are facing challenges of biodiversity loss and climate changes. It is a known fact that societies must adapt to a new system that is… [...]

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