
Hibachi is the first self-heating lunchbox that warms your homemade meal to the perfect temperature, everywhere at any time! Connected with an application, you can plan in advance your lunchtime for not wasting a single second.


Enjoy your lunchtime like at home

Let's give you the opportunity to heat your homemade meal to the perfect temperature at any time, at any place. How? Because our heating lunchbox is wireless.

A real self-heating lunchbox, designed in Switzerland

Care about your nutrition, but have unsuitable conditions for your lunch? Unlike a food container that needs an external


Hermetic & Convenient

Thinking carefully about the daily use, Hibachi is fully hermetic allows you to bring it easily everywhere.

Separable and washable plates

Built with quality and durable materials, Hibachi has a set of separable and easy washable plates.

Self-heating lunchbox

Relax and heat one pre-cooked meal without any socket, and any micro waves radiation. Once tasted your lunch, just recharge it.


Our application gives you the opportunity to schedule your lunchtime for not wasting a single second and much more!

Not a single wasted second by planning your lunchtime

With our application available soon both on Apple Store and on Google Play, you can plan your lunchtime to get your meal ready when every you want. Last but not least, it will also give you the opportunity to get inspired and to share season recipes with people sharing same interests and tastes.

Application render

Team members

Born and raised in Switzerland, Leonard is a third year Bachelor student in Industrial Design at ECAL - University of Arts & Design Lausanne. Leonard had the opportunity to gather experience in a Design Studio in Hong Kong during a 6-month internship, which broadened his horizons and enhanced his professional interest for East Asia. In the CHIC team, he will be responsible for giving shape to the Heabox and to develop a flawless user experience. Leonard is very eager to work in a cross-sectoral and cross-cultural setting as part of the CHIC experience.
Profile picture of Léonard Golay
  • Léonard Golay

  • Industrial Design
  • ECAL
Mechatronics Engineer with a Licentiate Degree from TEC, Costa Rica, doing a Master's Degree at EPFL, Switzerland in Micro engineering/Robotics. Experienced in the field of Bio-Mechatronics from the Fraunhofer IPA, Germany. For me, team synergistic and challenging work is the key to create more innovating, disrupting, market-oriented solutions with added value that can have an impact worldwide.
Profile picture of Jacob Hernandez Sanchez
  • Jacob Hernandez Sanchez

  • Electronic Engineering
    Firmware Engineering
  • EPFL
Born in China, Chenyue moved to Switzerland at 10 years old with her parents. She is currently a master student in materials science and engineering at EPFL. Chenyue made a 5-month internship at EMPA, the Swiss Federal Institute of Material Science, where she had a great experience in the field of research. Now in this CHIC adventure, she will learn the team work and discover the path from an idea to an amazing prototype!
Profile picture of Chenyue Du
  • Chenyue Du

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • EPFL
Damien Buchs is a Scientific Project Assistant at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). He holds a Master Degree in Information System from the Faculty of Business and Economics (HEC) at the University of Lausanne and a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration from the School of Engineering and Management Vaud (HEIG-VD). Trained as an economist with management and business development orientation, he has specialized in the fields of Information Technology with a strong interest in Information Architecture, Business Models, and Design Thinking. Passionate about those areas, he designs and develops applications for public and private companies. In parallel, his Master thesis looks at a psychological factor for fostering innovation, learning behaviors, and team performance where innovation projects are complex, uncertain, and interdisciplinary.
Profile picture of Damien Buchs
  • Damien Buchs

  • Business
  • UNIL
I am currently pursuing an engineering degree at Lausanne’s Swiss Federal Institute of Technologies, EPFL. I attained my three years bachelor degree in the field of micro-engineering, out of which one year was spent doing an exchange program at Stockholm’s Royal Institute of Technology, KTH. Now back at EPFL, I’m doing my first year of master’s degree with a specialisation in robotics. By participating in the CHIC experience, I look forward to not only learn from it, but also bring fresh ideas to the table.
Profile picture of Coline Lugaz
  • Coline Lugaz

  • Electronic Engineering
    Firmware Engineering
  • EPFL
Born March 10, 1989, I'm currently studying Media & Interaction Design at ECAL, Switzerland. Before that, I studied Graphic Design after a Swiss Matura Diploma in Biologie-Chemestry. I'm really curious to discover new ways of expression and I like to mix Design with technical and computing skills.
Profile picture of Mylène Dreyer
  • Mylène Dreyer

  • User Experience
  • ECAL
Yumeng finished her Bachelor of Engineering with a specialization of Digital Media Technology in Zhejiang University, during which, she spent half a year in Stockholm University with a learning focus on HCI and IT business. After conducting two years’ research on data visualization and visual analysis, she came to EPFL and started to pursue her master degree in Computer Science. Now, she is especially keen on HCI, UX and social computing. While developing the software for CHIC project, she will also care for the design of interaction and virtual community.
Profile picture of Yumeng Hou
  • Yumeng Hou

  • Software Engineering
  • EPFL

Contact us

Our blog


October 10, 2017

As we get closer to the start of a new CHIC edition we felt it was the perfect time to take a look at the journey of one team. Have… [...]

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Last day in Shenzhen!!!!

July 27, 2016

Yesterday, our industrial designer and our electronics engineers moved to Seeedstudio for working on the Hibachi instead of visiting BGI - Beijing Genomics Institute. The goal was to adjust the… [...]

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Day 5! Scavenger Hunt

July 26, 2016

It's Saturday, our 5th day in this adventure. After exhausting days of pitching, little sleep and still some jet lag, we are given the opportunity to engage in a quest to… [...]

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Programs can be uploaded in the PCB!

July 22, 2016

Today, we had a lot of work to do. All team members moved to Seeedstudio. Our priority is to succeed in boot loading PCB, which we didn’t manage yesterday. The… [...]

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Close to our first functional prototype!

July 22, 2016

We started our day by moving to HAX, a american renowned hardware accelerator. This company accelerate startups with a high market potential. At Shenzhen, HAX is focused on hardware projects fitting to… [...]

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PCB assembled, 3D printing received, customers interviewed, Chinese pitch!

July 20, 2016

Today, we split our team into three main groups. The first one made observations and interviews with workers from Seeedstudio. Before the lunchtime, we moved to their kitchen to speak… [...]

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Files sent for running our first 3D printing

July 19, 2016

This morning, our team split into three groups. One went to Huaqiangbei, one of the biggest electronics market in the world, to find some missing components such as the battery and… [...]

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Hong-Kong and Shenzhen, Here we are!

July 18, 2016

Hibachi team had arrived at Hong-Kong last week. It was intense! We pitched almost every day in front of different audiences: investors, companies, entrepreneurs, makers, students and other people. Our… [...]

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3rd Day – Visit of logistic and supply chain companies

July 14, 2016

For this third day, we had the pleasure to visit two companies specialized in logistic and supply chain management. We finished this journey by pitching our project in a coworking space. This… [...]

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2nd Day – First Pitches in Hong Kong !!

July 13, 2016

Jet Lag + Heavy Load + Super Gains (+ junk food) = 1st day in Hong Kong This is a heavy day starting with heavy rains but without enough sleep. Most of… [...]

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Thinking Big: Hibachi is ready to enter the game!

May 28, 2016

The last milestone is done. Expectations are high for what is going to happen in China!! This is how hibachi will look like at the end:        … [...]

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Ta(l)king control

May 26, 2016

As the semester reaches to its end, the Hibachi is finally taking shape. After though some trouble with the experiment, it's finally solved! (Until the next problem) In contrary to… [...]

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A functionnal communication flow

May 20, 2016

Let's talk software and firmware, or how to make the link between them! As annonced during our last presentation, we chosed to use Bluetooth Low Energy or Bluetooth Smarth to… [...]

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Milestone 2: Done!

May 4, 2016

Last week, we were excited to present our progression to the CHIC Jury and to the rest of the audience. In only 15 minutes, we have to present one month of hard… [...]

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Hibachi is getting ready for MS2

April 28, 2016

The second milestone presentation is this Friday and Hibachi team is getting ready for this important day. Weekly meeting at ecal with the Hibachi team The last few details have… [...]

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A new start with Hibachi

April 25, 2016

Since we started CHIC, my team and I all agreed on one common thing: Heaböx is not the name we have dreamt about to represent our lunchbox. So after brainstorming a… [...]

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A small step closer to our first prototype !

April 11, 2016

One of our most important components is arrived! With the Silicone Rubber heater, we are now able to test our heating system. To check quickly the heating behaviour of the… [...]

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First milestone: Survived

April 3, 2016

Last week was a really excited and intense week. We had our first milestone and so presented our work to the jury, to the professors and to the other teams. It was a… [...]

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Getting out of the Building

March 22, 2016

Last weeks, after having mapped our assumptions regarding our early adopters customers, we have decided to verify our hypothesis by meeting some of them face-to-face and by doing online surveys.… [...]

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A hard day’s work

March 17, 2016

Today was a working day for the Heaböx team. Most of us went to the maker space in the EPFL/ECAL lab at some point during the day, and even though… [...]

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Fast, simple and cheap experiments

March 15, 2016

In a first stage, we have decided to decrease our uncertainty as fast as possible by making small and quick bets, instead of investing time and efforts into scenarios' assumptions.… [...]

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Slowed down by our heating constraints

March 9, 2016

Regarding CHIC deliverables, our team is unfortunately slightly delayed. This holdup is due to one of our main challenges that disrupt all of us; the interdependence heating constraints that concerns all domains of… [...]

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Starting by coordinating and brainstorming

March 3, 2016

As a first step, we need to structure and to coordinate our team in order to be as efficient as possible all along the conception. We have therefore clarified responsibilities of each… [...]

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Let’s make our lunchbox real!

February 21, 2016

After having been selected by the jury of CHIC by presenting our surrealistic concept, this is time to make it real...! Eating at lunch can represent a problem for many people who want… [...]

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