
Providing educational & technological solutions to help children learn music while having fun!


Music learning made fun!

Our team has developed a smart xylophone prototype to help children discover and develop core musical skills. The Guido instrument together with the app for parents & schools, helps teach the basics of music theory through gamification. This way, kids feel rewarded and encouraged to keep on playing!

We help kids form better practicing habits !

Whether they play it at school or at home, practicing with Guido boosts your child's creativity and ability to focus.


Wireless & Portable

Guido communicates with the application & other Guido instruments through Bluetooth Low Energy.

Safe & Durable

Our instrument was designed for kids. This is why we gave it a solid case and a touch responsive soft silicon screen.

Magical Surface

When using the instrument, our custom LED illuminations configures the surface for different play modes and exercises.

Progress Tracking

Get started with our ecosystem developed in collaboration with music schools to make sure lessons are adapted to your child.

Manage Guido, get feedback, access extra content & more...

An intuitive desktop and mobile application allows parents or teachers to create and adapt a child’s music curriculum as needed. By collaborating with music institutions & teachers, we want to create and offer quality educational content. Reach out to us and let your child's musical journey begin!

Application render

Team members

Profile picture of Mehmed Blazevic
  • Mehmed Blazevic

  • Electronic Engineering
    Firmware Engineering
    Software Engineering
Profile picture of Pierre Buffo
  • Pierre Buffo

  • Electronic Engineering
    Firmware Engineering
    Software Engineering
Profile picture of Vignesh Venkatachalam
  • Vignesh Venkatachalam

  • Business
  • HEG-GE
Profile picture of Romain Talou
  • Romain Talou

  • User Experience
  • HEAD
Profile picture of Gabriel Da Silva Marques
  • Gabriel Da Silva Marques

  • Electronic Engineering
    Firmware Engineering
    Software Engineering
Profile picture of Joanne Savary
  • Joanne Savary

  • Industrial Design
  • HEAD

Contact us

Our blog

Border ecologies – Innovation Parks

August 2, 2018

First of all what is an innovation park ? According to the EPFL an Innovation Park is devoted to housing start-ups, SMEs, research teams and innovation cells from major companies… [...]

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Border Ecologies – Media & Press

July 26, 2018

China or more specifically the Chinese government puts a lot of effort into making sure that access to press and Internet in the mainland is limited. This is different in… [...]

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It’s time to show to Seeed what we did

July 22, 2018

Dear CHIC community, Wednesday 18 was the last entire day of work we had at x.factory. Every team was under pressure because it was the day to finally show to… [...]

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A major step

July 20, 2018

Dear CHIC community, Yesterday was quite an important day for us, aside from having visited Tencent we also had to finish our prototype. Clearly having a full working prototype wasn't… [...]

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Milestone 3 – Considering the details

May 4, 2018

Hello everybody! We presented our progress at MS3 about a month ago. Since then, we’ve been working hard trying to deconstruct and implement all the feedback from our supervisors. Here’s… [...]

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March 8, 2018

Hi everyone, We went yesterday to the Espace Musical. For most of us it was our first introduction to the solfege and rythmic world. This experience made us realise what… [...]

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MS2 week-end

February 27, 2018

Hi everyone ! We hope that getting back to school was as much fun for you than it was for us! This week after MS2, we took a break from… [...]

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Weekly meeting

February 1, 2018

Today, Thursday 1st February, our team met up to test our prototypes in an objective way. We tested 2 prototypes: - bones conduction device - buzzers bracelet Bones conduction devices… [...]

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From Brain to Brain

January 31, 2018

Hey! This week, Monday 29th January, Joanne and Romain worked on the questions we had raised the previous week. With this new direction, two prototypes are in the process of… [...]

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Re-evaluating our product

January 31, 2018

Hi everybody!   We met up last week on January 25th at the HEAD with the rest of the team. This meeting was definitely a revelation for the team. It… [...]

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What a start!

January 30, 2018

Last time we posted a progress post, we had defined a “world” we wanted to work in and had a blank page in front of us. The engineers were working… [...]

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Romain – Interaction Design & User Experience

January 30, 2018

  Having graduated from the Ecole Supérieure d’Arts et Design of Amiens with a degree in DNA Design Graphique, I have now joined a Masters in Media Design at the… [...]

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January 21, 2018

Hi everyone, I'm Mehmed Blazevic and I'm from Bosnia, but I was born here, in Geneva. I've always liked technology and especially computer science. When I finished mandatory school, I… [...]

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January 19, 2018

My life started the 9’th May 1996 in Geneva when my parents gave me the name Gabriel Da Silva Marques. With a name like that of course my origin is… [...]

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January 18, 2018

Do you like cats ? There’s so many people on this earth who like them. And I still don’t understand why, and what’s even worse is the fact that I’m… [...]

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January 17, 2018

Born the 1rst of june 1995, I grew up in switzerland. I am a mountain and lake lover. I love cats, dive in deep water, nature and animals. For now,… [...]

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A Blank Sheet of Paper

November 18, 2017

We are team Ikare! Joanne & Romain from the Haute Ecole d'Arts et Design, Pierre, Mehmed & Gabriel from the Haute Ecole du Paysage, d'Ingénierie et d'Architecture and Vignesh from the… [...]

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