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Student innovation from Lausanne to China

Hong Kong Shenzhen, Media
October 24, 2016

Read the full post by Sarah Bourquenoud (EPFL/Mediacom) here. [caption id="attachment_3106" align="aligncenter" width="983"] Tikku team on EPFL's homepage[/caption]

Discover the CHIC 2016 movie

Hong Kong Shenzhen
October 12, 2016

Thanks to the generous support of the Canton de Vaud (DGES), Maxime Descloux and Céline Dondénaz (from ecal's movie department) have followed one CHIC team during an entire edition of [...]

Join us for the CHIC 2016 DemoDays

Aimo, Hibachi, Okeep, Presentation, Tikku
September 14, 2016

CHIC 2016 is almost over but you have one last chance (actually two…) to catch up with us and discover what the 4 teams have achieved during this second edition. [...]

The end!

August 5, 2016

Hello everyone! This trip has now come to an end, and let's look at what we have done during the last days! Well, during our last (full) day in Shenzhen, [...]

Last day in Shenzhen!!!!

July 27, 2016

Yesterday, our industrial designer and our electronics engineers moved to Seeedstudio for working on the Hibachi instead of visiting BGI - Beijing Genomics Institute. The goal was to adjust the [...]

OKEEP’s last days in Shenzen

July 27, 2016

Time went fast, this post is catching up on all we did those past days. Day 5: On Friday the whole team went to Seed to work hard. Patrick were [...]

Last day of hard work in China!

July 27, 2016

This trip comes to its end! But even the day before leaving China, there is always time to work! So today, the whole team together, we went to the new [...]

Wrap-up of the last few days

July 27, 2016

Hello everyone! First of all, sorry for not posting in the last few days (I know you missed us), but we have been very busy! So, since last Thursday what [...]

Here comes the last day in China!

July 27, 2016

We cannot believe CHIC is almost finished! It is our last day and the noisiest team Tikku still has a lot of work to do. The engineers left early the [...]

Day 8 – Let there be light!

July 27, 2016

After a delicious breakfast, all the 4 teams met in the lobby of the hotel to discuss with our supervisors the next steps of the projects. We decided to start [...]

The day of yesterday 20.07.2016

July 27, 2016

We got up and eat it all up We took the MTR and discovered how tiered we all are. We went to the old Seeed studio to work with team [...]

Day 5! Scavenger Hunt

July 26, 2016

It's Saturday, our 5th day in this adventure. After exhausting days of pitching, little sleep and still some jet lag, we are given the opportunity to engage in a quest to [...]

Day 15 – DJI and BGI visits

July 26, 2016

Today, thanks to the late start, we had the chance to get our well deserved sleep after the long program of yesterday. It felt so good! And we were all [...]

Huawei, StarPrototype and SSIP

July 25, 2016

First visit of the day, Huawei. We met at the lobby at 7:30 to take the bus to the Huawei manufacture. There, we have been welcomed in a fancy meeting [...]

Day 4 – HKSTP and a view!

July 25, 2016

All teams worked hard last night (or early in the morning) to prepare the pitching session of the day, this one for investors-oriented people at the Science & Technology Park. [...]

Who said that hackathons can’t be humanitarian?

July 24, 2016

After a rich breakfast, we came back to SZOIL to continue the challenging humanitarian hackathon. The transfer in taxi made the whole day easier and we reached the place in great shape. [...]

Day 12 – Work work work work work

July 24, 2016

Not all the teams were in their best shape after the late night of day 11 but this day was not one allowing procrastination. The amount of students dressed in pink [...]

Time is running out at Seeedstudio!

July 22, 2016

All the PCBs (5 pieces) are mounted and 2 of them are working properly! The others are currently being tested. The day starts well and my team is happy :)! [...]

Programs can be uploaded in the PCB!

July 22, 2016

Today, we had a lot of work to do. All team members moved to Seeedstudio. Our priority is to succeed in boot loading PCB, which we didn’t manage yesterday. The [...]

Close to our first functional prototype!

July 22, 2016

We started our day by moving to HAX, a american renowned hardware accelerator. This company accelerate startups with a high market potential. At Shenzhen, HAX is focused on hardware projects fitting to [...]

Not every day is an easy day

July 21, 2016

Time is going so quickly and we did not noticed how Wednesday was over! Then my blogpost will cover 2 days. Yesterday the work was efficient and quick. The quick [...]

A day full of activities

July 21, 2016

Good afternoon people! What have we been up to today? Well, a bunch of things actually! Lara and I started the day in a pretty stressful way since we had [...]

Day 3 & 4 – soon 1st functional prototype

July 21, 2016

Yesterday Adrien tried to go to a bike shop to see the helmets sold and get insight about the market in Shenzen but unfortunately once arrived at the destination there [...]

Getting closer to a functioning prototype

July 20, 2016

Hello again ! Twice in one day, how lucky are you? So today we also split up the team, in 2 groups. Sorina and Link went to Seeed Studio to [...]

More information about the Chinese market

July 20, 2016

I have been walking around Shenzhen (well mostly around the hotel) in order to observe the behavior of the Chinese people regarding mailboxes and other topics related to our project. [...]

2nd day at Seeed Studio

July 19, 2016

First of all, today was Lara’s birthday so it was gonna be a good day anyway!!! What a busy day! The team actually split up to do some different things [...]

Un Tikku par-ci, un Tikku par-là

July 19, 2016

Some time in the morning were spent today to define the tasks and their priorities, in order to use our time in the best way. We decided to split the [...]

Day 2 in Seeed Studio

July 19, 2016

Seeed Studio told us the missing components should arrive at 2pm, however to be sure, electrical engineers went to the Huaqiangbei market to buy some of them. It went well [...]

Files sent for running our first 3D printing

July 19, 2016

This morning, our team split into three groups. One went to Huaqiangbei, one of the biggest electronics market in the world, to find some missing components such as the battery and [...]

Day 7, First day in Shenzhen!

July 18, 2016

Finally, the first day of work is here, everyone is very excited to start implementing their prototypes. But first things first: we need a lot of strength to get through [...]

Hong-Kong and Shenzhen, Here we are!

July 18, 2016

Hibachi team had arrived at Hong-Kong last week. It was intense! We pitched almost every day in front of different audiences: investors, companies, entrepreneurs, makers, students and other people. Our [...]

We are in CHINA!

July 18, 2016

Hello everyone! We have arrived almost one week ago in China, already! We landed in Hong Kong last Tuesday night and have already done so much! It’s time for you [...]

Shenzen & Seeed Studio: Here we are !

July 18, 2016

For the first day in Seeed Studio, we visited the place and started planning the week. It should be quit busy; Audrey and Patrick the engineers will work on the [...]

Seeedstudio – here we are!

July 18, 2016

After some intense days in Hong Kong, pitching in front of investors and makers and visiting the HKUST, the Harbour, Panalpina and the Science Park, we finally arrived to Shenzhen, [...]

3rd Day – Visit of logistic and supply chain companies

Hong Kong Shenzhen
July 14, 2016

For this third day, we had the pleasure to visit two companies specialized in logistic and supply chain management. We finished this journey by pitching our project in a coworking space. This [...]

2nd Day – First Pitches in Hong Kong !!

July 13, 2016

Jet Lag + Heavy Load + Super Gains (+ junk food) = 1st day in Hong Kong This is a heavy day starting with heavy rains but without enough sleep. Most of [...]

1st day – Take off your mind

July 12, 2016

Monday morning, the alarm rings (like the onions) , let’s pack and meet everybody at 9 am sharp in BC 410. Well… not so sharp, it’s 9:15 and many people [...]