
Todoo is the first watch specially designed for children with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) to help them to get on with their daily activities.


Enjoy a watch adapting to your child's specific needs

We offer to your child a watch which can adapt to various situations. That is, the watch’s interchangeable strap, its customisable schedule and display options, among other components, rely on you and your child’s choices.


Todoo will accompany your child throughout the day with clear and visible information, and let him know what to do.



Instead of describing an activity, Todoo allows the use of photos, images and pictograms to represent it.


As each child has their own needs, Todoo guarantees customizable help thanks to many options and personalization contents.


Todoo ensures minimal interactivity on the watch to enable your child to focus better on their activities.


To be used all day long, Todoo is discreet and wearable like any other children's watch.

Organize your child’s schedules anywhere at anytime

Through an intuitive and easy-to-use application, you can create and modify your child’s schedule as many times you wish and simply synchronize it with the watch by bluetooth connection. Furthermore, you can use your own pictures and images directly imported from your smartphone.

Application render

Team members

Profile picture of Anthony Cavin
  • Anthony Cavin

  • Electronic Engineering
    Firmware Engineering
  • EPFL
Profile picture of Hélène Portier
  • Hélène Portier

  • User Experience
  • ECAL
Profile picture of Manon Membrez
  • Manon Membrez

  • Industrial Design
  • ECAL
Profile picture of Lucie Houel
  • Lucie Houel

  • Electronic Engineering
    Firmware Engineering
  • EPFL
Khalil completed his EPFL Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science in 2016 after a year on exchange at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University. He left Southeast Asia after having visited Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen and all of the member states of ASEAN, and headed to Bangalore for a 14-week-long internship at India's largest IT company, Infosys. After starting his Computer Science Master's at EPFL in September 2016, he enrolled in CHIC and hopes to come back to Hong Kong and Shenzhen this summer, this time with a project that could change autistic lives.
Profile picture of Khalil Mrini
  • Khalil Mrini

  • Software Engineering
  • EPFL
Profile picture of Luca Reut
  • Luca Reut

  • Business
  • UNIL

Contact us

Our blog

X factory public event

August 5, 2017

Better late than never ! We finally managed to upload our video so that we can  share it with you ! Here is finally the blogpost we made for the… [...]

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Border Ecologies: Makerspace

July 30, 2017

As part of the CHIC project, we are multidisciplinary students that travelled one week in Hong Kong and ten days in Shenzhen. During this trip, we had the occasion to… [...]

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Border ecologies: Food safety

July 30, 2017

Hong Kong posses a really special status within the world but also regarding Mainland China. It is clearly separated from the nearest Chinese cities, like Shenzhen, by customs. In fact,… [...]

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Border Ecologies: Social Media

July 29, 2017

As the CHIC students crossed the border between Hong Kong and Mainland China onto Shenzhen, we experienced firsthand China’s online policy regarding Social Media. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, among others,… [...]

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24 juillet – Huawei, Star Rapid & SSIP

July 26, 2017

Today, we woke up early to take our private bus for the day at 7.30 am. After a two hours ride, we arrived to the HQ of the first company… [...]

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Border Ecologies – Metro

July 25, 2017

Hong Kong (HK) and Shenzhen (SZ) have both experienced an enormous growth throughout the last decades. In this process, public transports is one very important piece of the puzzle, since it ensures an efficient flow of people. In… [...]

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Design activity: Visiting the HKDI !

July 21, 2017

Dimitri, Luca, Nicolas, Pierre and I had the opportunity to have a tour of the HKDI (Hong Kong Design Institute) ! The building alone is worth a visit: we were… [...]

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Shenzhen Autism Society

July 21, 2017

Yesterday, we met the Shenzhen Autism Association (SAS). The challenge we had (we learned it by phone) was communicating with the people of this association as nobody spoke English. So,… [...]

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An unexpected journey

July 20, 2017

Time to make some updates about our last two days in Shenzhen. On Tuesday, we started to visit the major electronic marketplaces of Shenzhen – Huaqiangbei. Imagine buildings all around… [...]

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Design activity: Dim Sum Lab

July 20, 2017

Small stuffs to share. Like the chinese food, Dim Sum Lab is a place that brings together people around a table to share something they like. Dim Sum Lab is… [...]

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Scavenger hunt in Hong-Kong

July 18, 2017

On Saturday we had the chance to participate to a scavenger hunt in Hong-Kong in order to discover further the city and its culture. Our team was composed by members… [...]

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Design Activity: The Hong Kong Jockey Innovation Tower

July 17, 2017

After quite an immersion in the startup and incubators business' world, the design activity was an opportunity to discover another aspect of Hong Kong. Rihab, Thomas, Nicolas and I went… [...]

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Shenzhen – x.factory

July 17, 2017

Today we moved for the first time to x.factory which is a hub that provides a prototyping workshop with production-level equipment and co-working space. We like the place and it’s… [...]

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One week in Hong-Kong

July 17, 2017

It's been almost a week since we left - time goes by and we have plenty to tell you about our experience in Hong Kong. After this very busy day… [...]

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Hong Kong, Day 2: HKUST, RISE and IoT startups

July 13, 2017

After a first night where many of us had sleep problems due to jet lag, we attended a presentation by HKUST’s Dean of Students, Dr. Robert Wessling. Wessling holds a… [...]

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The big start

July 11, 2017

Hello everyone ! After several months of research, creation, coding, welding and so on, we were able to advance our project. So, we are ready for the big start in… [...]

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Milestone 3

June 8, 2017

After this little break, it was time to keep you informed of what has happened in recent weeks. To begin with, last week, we had the third and last milestone… [...]

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Sunny days and good news

May 16, 2017

The good days are FINALLY back and I feel that it gives energy to the whole team seen the advances of these last days. Khalil realized a real marathon to… [...]

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Firmware-Software Integration and UI-Software Decisions

May 12, 2017

Last week, we made breakthroughs in UI and Software coordination. Our Software Engineer Khalil, UI designer Hélène and Business Manager Luca sat down to settle on the app’s format. They… [...]

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We are… TODOO ! 💫💫

May 2, 2017

We just named our baby ! We went for something pretty self-explanatory but also playful: Todoo ! We chose blue because it symbolizes autism and red to represent the time-timer. Once… [...]

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Easter celebrations are over – Let’s back to work !

April 23, 2017

The Easter celebrations are over and it’s time to get back to work. Two weeks ago (here), we faced several questions as to the turn of the continuation of our… [...]

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Focus on App

April 11, 2017

This week, our blog post will take you through what UX designer Hélène and Software Engineer Khalil have decided to do for the project's app. The app is an essential… [...]

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Rollercoaster Week – 🎢

April 2, 2017

This week we became aware of what a project like CHIC is, with moments of doubt but also reflections and teamwork in order to find a way to cross the… [...]

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Milestone numero uno ! ✅

March 26, 2017

After this first milestone, it's time to take stock of the situation: we are re-thinking the general shape of the object. Following the feedback of parents and specialists, we decided… [...]

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Modeling and interviewing

March 20, 2017

👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 We took some decisions regarding the shape ! Congratulations: it's a watch ! 👶🏻⏰ Here are a few drafts of what it could look like: Our goal is to… [...]

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Week 3 – Meeting the people at the receiving end of our project

March 12, 2017

Until now, we had the opportunity to meet with specialists working on ASD. However, we realised that it was necessary to also focus on the parents in order to understand… [...]

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The serious report: episode 1

March 5, 2017

Luca has focused on highlighting the most risky assumptions for our value proposition. It is important to know which assumptions we must verify and validate first. If these assumptions are… [...]

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Week 01 here we go !

February 28, 2017

The Kick-Off Day marked the official start of the adventure ! 💫 Time to get serious. 💪 In the past weeks, we have explored and imagined different directions: as you could… [...]

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Kick-Off Sunday !

February 19, 2017

So here we are ! Enjoying a nice and quiet Sunday in the sun ! We started off by simplifying our product a little more, setting our priorities and staying… [...]

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Let’s get it started !

December 1, 2016

Hi everybody ! The third edition of CHIC has officially begun. It’s hard to find the words to express how happy and excited we are to be a part of… [...]

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We are… TODOO ! 💫💫

May 2, 2017

We just named our baby ! We went for something pretty self-explanatory but also playful: Todoo ! We chose blue because it symbolizes autism and red to represent the time-timer. Once… [...]

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Rollercoaster Week – 🎢

April 2, 2017

This week we became aware of what a project like CHIC is, with moments of doubt but also reflections and teamwork in order to find a way to cross the… [...]

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