We are an interdisciplinary team whose goal is to make technology understandable by 3 years old kids and useful to responsible grown ups. Seeqi is a friend and an assistant that wants to be nice and helpful to children and adults. Not only is it easy to use but mostly it is easy to love.



Seeki is a wearable device designed for young children but thought for adults. This small companion will help any adult supervisor to manage a small group of pupils and alert them of any problem, to help relieve from unnecessary stress while promoting greater care.

group management assistant

The device is meant to be easily clipped on clothes or accessories, and purposely simple to use.



Alerts the supervisor when a kid gets too far from the supervisor, the supervisor gets notified on his device.


Alerts the supervisor if the device senses water. The software will ignore splatters to avoid false alarms.


Gives precise information on the smartphone app (who is out of range, type of issue, clipped or unclipped, battery level).

Call and count

Counting and calling function to rapidly make sure that the group is complete and ready to go!

Feedback and notifications

Having to manage a group of kids is often stressful and brings a lot of responsibility to the supervisor, especially while doing outdoor activities. Indeed, children are curious, can be distracted by everything and are prone to being unpredictable. But worry not, Seeki is here to assist you.

Application render

Team members

Profile picture of Tamara Virag
  • Tamara Virag

  • User Experience
  • ECAL
Profile picture of Victor Dietrich
  • Victor Dietrich

  • Business
  • UNIL
I am an student in industrial design. I got into design because I thought it could change in very small but very meaningful ways the life of ordinary people. Now I believe we live in a time where design can really shape the future applications and experiences that technologies and recent innovations brought to the world. That is why I want to be part of the big change that is occurring to make sure that tomorrow will be more fun, enjoyable and simple.
Profile picture of Alex Tran
  • Alex Tran

  • Industrial Design
  • ECAL
I am from middle of China. Keeping curious and passionate about our life and the world is the source of my happiness. I enjoy dealing with math and physics and determine to become a mechanical engineer, but I also love all types of art. I believe there is a connection between art and science. They co-exist in our feelings and in everyday life.
Profile picture of Zheng Siqi
  • Zheng Siqi

  • Mechanical Engineering
  • EPFL
Profile picture of Thomas Havy
  • Thomas Havy

  • Electronic Engineering
  • EPFL

Contact us

Our blog

Wednesday 25th of July – Let’s finish it up properly!

July 26, 2018

Today was the very last day of the trip adventure all together. For this, our supervisors had organised a scavenger hunt through the city. That aim to make us discover… [...]

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Consumption in Shenzhen and Hong Kong

July 26, 2018

Hello CHIC community, Today is the last day of our CHIC trip. We had a scavenger hunt and enjoyed the time at the beach together. These days were unforgettable memories… [...]

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Border Ecologies: Sharing economy

July 25, 2018

Dear chic community, As our trip to China comes to an end, it is time for some reflection in this special blog post. This post will be centered around the… [...]

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Happy ending in Hong Kong

July 25, 2018

Welcome back CHIC community, On the 24th our designers started the day with a special design review on the trip. They were working on a creating a booklet with all the… [...]

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Ni Hao HK

July 23, 2018

Hello CHIC community, Today was a day of a lot of discoveries. We visited HK invest, Modern Terminals, Panalpina headquarters and an amazing makerspace, where we pitched the night away!… [...]

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Hello, Hong Kong

July 22, 2018

Yesterday we left Shenzhen and came to Hong Kong. The metro in Hong Kong is not as crowded as that in Shenzhen. The HKUST is surrounded by mountains but the… [...]

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Protyping, more prototyping, pitching and visiting (and a lot more prototyping)

July 20, 2018

Dear CHIC community, It is time for an update our trip in Shenzhen, and our progress towards a functional prototype. As the departure date approaches, we are facing a final… [...]

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Interviews, Consumption and China

July 20, 2018

Hello CHIC community,   Yesterday has been a rich experience for all of us. Indeed, we visited the Tencent headquarters and got the opportunity to interview some people directly. We… [...]

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A lot of pressure and rain

July 18, 2018

Good morning everyone, The last days in Shenzhen and xFactory are approaching. All the teams are very close to the final prototype. As a result, the program for the day… [...]

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EVERYTHING IS PCB (peaceful, creative and blissful)

July 17, 2018

Hello to all of you who are following our E-journey in China, This week started with a day of intense work, everyone knew what to do to complete our prototype,… [...]

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A great meet-up with Chinese culture

July 15, 2018

Dear CHIC community, We are already on the 15th of July and time is flying! We are still working hard on the project, even during the weekend. Indeed, yesterday Thomas… [...]

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The First Pitch

July 13, 2018

Today we had our first pitch in HAX which is the world's first and largest hardware accelerator. They reminded us that many other teams were doing the similar products. And… [...]

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July 11, 2018

Hello CHIC community,   How have you been? We arrived yesterday night in Shenzhen! The trip was quite exhausting; it's not everyday that you can fly to the other side… [...]

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First part of the mission accomplished!

June 4, 2018

Dear CHIC community, Last Thursday, we had our last milestone presentation in Switzerland! After seven months of hard work, and activities keeping our brains firing, we were lucky to have… [...]

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Almost reaching the finishing line

May 25, 2018

Dear CHIC community, Brace yourselves for the upcoming milestone, for our product is becoming real. Indeed, the final milestone of the semester before leaving to Shenzhen is next Thursday's presentation.… [...]

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Hi! Final milestone!

May 21, 2018

We had our meeting last week on Monday. It was the second meeting after last milestone. But it was also only two weeks before the final milestone. Now the proximity… [...]

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Taking shape

May 13, 2018

Hello CHIC community,   How have you been? On our part, we are working hard! The last week we were able to make quite some progress on the project. We… [...]

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Successful pivot and boosted motivation!

May 4, 2018

Dear CHIC Community,   The past Milestones have not always been easy. However, with time and dedication we came to a good idea that fit within our competences and within… [...]

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Does it click?

April 29, 2018

Hi all, This week we met with our supervisors to come to an agreement after the designer's midterms evaluation which did not go as expected. Yes we changed our project… [...]

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The road is long and full of ambushes

April 18, 2018

Dear CHIC community, Some time has passed since the last blog post, and spent some time exploring different directions in terms of technology, design and business. Alex (industrial design) had… [...]

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Happy Easter

March 31, 2018

Dear CHIC, Happy Eater! We has planned and begun our new work schedule. With the activation and creativity brought by Milestone 3, we did a lot of researches into the possibilities… [...]

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The birth of Oversee

March 24, 2018

Dear CHIC community,   We arrived at Milestone 3 a little behind our friends of the other teams since we made a big pivot after Milestone 2. However, we have… [...]

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Milestone 3 is approaching!

March 11, 2018

Dear Chic, This week was a meaningful week, because we made our final decision on our project. On Tuesday, we had our regular meeting. Alex and Victor demonstrated the results… [...]

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Something is on the way…

March 5, 2018

Dear CHIC community, During the second milestone, we discussed and debated a lot about the idea of a portable turbine and decided to expand the range of our investigation while… [...]

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February 18, 2018

Hello CHIC community,     As I am writing these lines, the rest of the team is working hard on the second prototype of our turbine. I'm letting them sweat… [...]

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Meanwhile, before MS2

February 14, 2018

Dear CHIC Community, The second milestone approaches quickly as we keep working on our mini-turbine. Some serious progress has been made this week in many aspects of the device. Some… [...]

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January 28, 2018

Hello CHIC community,     We had some difficult times, especially since most of us just finished struggling through the exams season, and a couple of us still have one… [...]

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2018 resolution – Create a great product

January 13, 2018

Welcome to 2018! Since the beginning of this adventure, the Fluid team has had some difficulties to find the ideal idea. Indeed, multiple constraints do not facilitate the take-off of… [...]

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The days befor Christmas!

December 17, 2017

Hello, The Christmas Holiday is approaching. We are also busy with many deadlines of courses at school. On Monday, we attended the Demo day for last year's projects. In spite… [...]

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December 9, 2017

HELLO CHIC,   It's been a while!   We are still processing the milestone, trying to come up with a new idea, and what better way to do this than… [...]

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First milestone done!

December 3, 2017

Hello CHIC community! On Friday, we had the opportunity to present our work for the first milestone in front of the CHIC staffs and some professors. That represented the accomplishment… [...]

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What’s up? #1

November 18, 2017

Hi CHIC community! So a lot has been going on since our last post. We had our first meeting during which we discussed about how desperate on ideas we were… [...]

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Team building Workshop

November 5, 2017

Hello CHIC community! It’s been a week since the ideation week-end where we formed the team and chose the topic. We have not accomplished much tangible progress since then, but… [...]

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October 29, 2017

Hello, CHIC. Nice to meet you! We are FLUID: Siqi, Victor, Tamara, Thomas and Alex. We are interested in solving water management related issues, aiming towards ecological, adaptable and simple… [...]

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The days before Christmas!

December 17, 2017

Hello, The Christmas Holiday is approaching. We are also busy with many deadlines of courses at school. On Monday, we attended the Demo day for last year's projects. In spite… [...]

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